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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 北京市 顺义区 后沙峪街道 后沙峪村 空港工业园
  • 姓名: 吴艾
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定

    备件供应Juniper MX5-T-AC/DC MX10-T-AC/DC整机模块配件 提供解决方案

  • 所属行业:IT 网络设备 路由器
  • 发布日期:2020-07-13
  • 阅读量:210
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京顺义后沙峪后沙峪村  
  • 关键词:Juniper,MX5-T,MX10-T

    备件供应Juniper MX5-T-AC/DC MX10-T-AC/DC整机模块配件 提供解决方案详细内容

    MX10-T-AC	MX10 AC chassis with timing support - includes dual power supplies, MIC-3D-20GE-SFP, 1 empty MIC slot, Junos, S-MX80-ADV-R, S-MX80-Q & S-ACCT-JFLOW-IN-5G licenses. Power-supply cable to be ordered separately
    MX10-T-DC	MX10 DC chassis with timing support - includes dual power supplies, MIC-3D-20GE-SFP, 1 empty MIC slot, Junos, S-MX80-ADV-R, S-MX80-Q & S-ACCT-JFLOW-IN-5G licenses. Power-supply cable to be ordered separately
    FANTRAY-MX80-BB	MX80 Fan Tray, Base Bundle
    PWR-MX80-AC-BB	MX80 AC Power Supply, Base Bundle
    PWR-MX80-DC-BB	MX80 DC Power Supply, Base Bundle
    CHAS-MX10-T-S	MX10 spare chassis with timing support
    FANTRAY-MX80-S	Fan Tray for MX80, Spare, MX80
    FLTR-KIT-MX80-S	Filter Kit for MX80, Spare, MX80
    MX80-SEPTUM-S	MX80 Septum for use with 1/2 height MICs, Spare
    PKG-MX80-S	Shipping Container
    PWR-BLANK-MX80	MX80 Power Blank Cover, Spare, MX80
    PWR-MX80-AC-S	MX80 AC Power Supply
    PWR-MX80-DC-S	MX80 DC Power Supply
    MX5-T-AC	MX5 AC chassis with timing support - includes dual power supplies, MIC-3D-20GE-SFP, Junos, S-MX80-ADV-R, S-MX80-Q & S-ACCT-JFLOW-IN-5G licenses. Power-supply cable to be ordered separately
    MX5-T-DC	MX5 DC chassis with timing support - includes dual power supplies, MIC-3D-20GE-SFP, Junos, S-MX80-ADV-R, S-MX80-Q & S-ACCT-JFLOW-IN-5G licenses. Power-supply cable to be ordered separately
    FANTRAY-MX80-BB	MX80 Fan Tray, Base Bundle
    PWR-MX80-AC-BB	MX80 AC Power Supply, Base Bundle
    PWR-MX80-DC-BB	MX80 DC Power Supply, Base Bundle
    CHAS-MX5-T-S	MX5 spare chassis with timing support
    FANTRAY-MX80-S	Fan Tray for MX80, Spare, MX80
    FLTR-KIT-MX80-S	Filter Kit for MX80, Spare, MX80
    MX80-SEPTUM-S	MX80 Septum for use with 1/2 height MICs, Spare
    PKG-MX80-S	Shipping Container
    PWR-BLANK-MX80	MX80 Power Blank Cover, Spare, MX80
    PWR-MX80-AC-S	MX80 AC Power Supply
    PWR-MX80-DC-S	MX80 DC Power Supply
    MIC-3D-20GE-SFP	20x10/100/1000 MIC for MX, requires optics sold separately
    MIC-3D-2XGE-XFP	2x10G MIC for MX, requires optics sold separately
    MIC-3D-40GE-TX	40x10/100/1000 RJ-45 full height MIC (fixed optics)
    MIC-3D-4OC3OC12-1OC48	Low density multirate MIC, 4 port non-channelized OC3-OC12 / 1 port non-channelized OC48 MIC, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module )
    MIC-3D-8OC3OC12-4OC48	High density multirate MIC, 8 port non-channelized OC3-OC12 /  4 port non-channelized OC48 MIC, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module )

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